
If you would like to donate money to the Australian Esperanto Association, the easiest way is by credit card:

Pay with credit card via PayPal

Email address:

Total amount due (show cents): (E.g. 50.00)

Alternatively, you could donate by direct deposit to the AEA bank account:
BSB: 064433
A/c No.: 00946975
Description: (Eg, “Congress”)

Payee details for international donors only:
Name: The Australian Esperanto Association Ltd
Address: GPO Box 2122, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia
Account number (IBAN): 06443300946975
Payee’s bank SWIFT-BIC code: CTBAAU2S
Payee’s bank/country/city: Commonwealth Bank of Australia/Australia/Toowoomba
Payee’s bank’s correspondent bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia